
Lead Registration Summary

Purpose of This Report

The purpose of this report is to enable you to see how many leads your partners have registered through Zift123.  The report is available when turned on by Zift administrators.

Use this report to see registered leads generated by partners, sales stage, if it has passed to the CRM, and Opportunity Total Value, and leads by original sources. You can export the report to CSV or XLS files. Once exported, you can use the files to develop your processes for importing the leads into a CRM such as Salesforce.



Analysis > Leads and Pipeline > Lead Registration Summary

What Data is Being Reported

Leads the partner registers with their suppliers for the purpose of sharing contact information for potential sales are called Registered Leads. Registering a lead notifies the supplier that you are working with a particular customer and may result in additional support from the supplier during the sales cycle. 

The data is gathered from registered leads generated using Zift123 regardless of the source. 

Initial Report View and Editing Suggestions

  • The default report shows an alphabetical list of partners, the number of leads in each lead scoring category,  and the source of the leads generated.
  • To see which campaigns have generated the most leads and where those leads came from, edit the report and in the Set Report Groupings section, group by a campaign.
  • To see which groups of partners have generated the most leads, edit the report and in the Set Report Groupings section group by custom partner attributes.
  • To differentiate between partner generated and distributed leads, edit the report with the Set Report Groupings filter set to Lead Type.


Moving left to right, the data in each column provides the following information.

    1. Lead: This column lists the emails of the leads that have been registered with a partner. Clicking on a Lead email takes to you the Lead Detail page, which contains known Distribution Status and Lead Details. The lead details include name, email, title, phone, sales stage, sales rep., lead source, PRM/CRM Unique Identifier, create date, modified date, notes, company information, lead events, and opportunity summary.
    2. Registration Date: The date the lead was registered by the partner with the supplier.
    3. Sales Stage: his column records the status of the lead, based on updates from the partner/partner sales representative updating lead status directly in the contact record of Zift, via the Email notification, or via an integration CRM platform. Lead statuses are open, contact, contacted, nurture, unqualified/invalid and qualified opportunity. 
    4. Zift Events: This column records the number of automated marketing activities that have been sent to or directed to the registered lead and recorded statistics. These can include campaign or partner-created emails; tracked web plugin visits; social clicks, social follows and forwards; or any other of the automated marketing activities provided by Zift123.
    5. CRM Events: This column records the number of CRM activities that have been pulled from your CRM. These can be sales phone calls, emails, or social activities provided by your CRM. If you are not utilizing a CRM, the column will be empty.
    6. Passed to CRM?: Effect 23 August 2017, this column is no longer in the report. 
    7. Opportunities Total Value: This column records the potential dollar value of a registered lead according to a partner's assessment of the lead's need for products or services and calculated according to pipeline stage.
    8. Source Campaign: This column records the campaign or other marketing activity that produced the lead if passed to the supplier.
    9. Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
    10. Export: See How to Use Report Options.
    11. Options: See How to Export Reports.
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