
How to Create a Partner Invitation to Zift123


Partner Invitations allow suppliers to easily add new partners to marketing programs. Suppliers will send invitations to potential partners and the partner can then accept or reject the invitation. Once the invitation is activated the partner can get started using Zift123 without any interaction with Zift Solutions. This provides an easy option for suppliers to get partners up and running.

How to Create a Partner Invitation

  1. From Partners > Partner Invitations, select Create Invitation.
  2. Enter the partner data for the following: Partner name, Contact first name, Contact last name, and Contact email.
  3. Select Apply.

This is an example of the invitation partners will receive via email.

Partners that Click Here as shown in the email above, will be able to complete this form and select Accept at the end. 

After the partner completes and accepts this form, the partner will appear with a status of Partner Accepted. The supplier will now to approve this partner acceptance under Pending Partners.


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