
About the Partner Invitation View


Partner Invitations allow suppliers to easily on-board partners to their channel marketing programs. 

The Partner Invitation offers suppliers the following benefits to get partners up and running:

  • It gives on-boarding control to the supplier allowing them to be proactive in outreach efforts.
  • Invitations are automated and less prone to error.
  • All the functionality is contained in Zift123 and ZiftMarcom with easy visibility into the status of invited partners.
  • Partner on-boarding can be automatic if the supplier chooses.

This is the process that Suppliers and Partners will experience.

  1. Suppliers will send invitations to potential partners
  2. Potential partners can accept or reject the invitation.
  3. When the partner accepts the inviation, Suppliers will see the partner as Pending.
  4. The supplier will then begin the Onboarding process with Partners that indicated their interest. 
  5. The Partner will receive a Welcome email with a link to log into Zift123. Partners can get started using Zift123 without any interaction with Zift Solutions.



Partners > Partner Invitations

If this option is not available, contact your Zift Solutions Representative or Zift Support for details about turning the feature on.


The following can be found in this view.

  1. Search: Search for keywords such as company name or username to be sure they do not already exist.
  2. Filter: Filtering allows you to narrow the results to get a specific list of data for review or export. You can toggle between having the different filters on or off by clicking each button. The options for filtering include possible statuses for the Partner Invitations.
  3. The view can be sorted by report headers. Click any of the headers to change the order of the data. The headers are Partner Name, Email, Create Date, and Status.


The status for Partner On-boarding are as follows:

  • Pending: The invitation has been created but is not sent.
  • Sent: The invitation has been sent to the partner.
  • Partner Declined: The invitation has been declined by the partner.
  • Partner Accepted: The invitation has been accepted by the partner.
  • User Invited: The supplier has viewed, approved, and the new partner is onboard.
  • Activated: The new partner user has responded and created their username and password.

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