Marketing Development Funds (MDF) are sometimes granted to partners by suppliers to drive sales and develop new business. The partner might use the funds to pay for meals, entertainment, social outings, sports outings, team meetings, and conferences. These engagements allow partners to interact with their customers. The Funding Summary helps a supplier review all monies and balances for all partners at a glance.
The summary is divided into three sections, fund type table, partner table and funding summary graph. See About Funding Details for definitions for each report column.
- Select All Partners to search for data for a specific partner.
- Apply a Partner Filter such as language, region, vertical, or program level to the report.
- The Funding Summary Graph shows the fund types and the amount of funding available, paid, and pending payments to partners on the x-axis. Total funding for the partner is on the y-axis.The exact total funding amount is shown on the top of the partner bar in the graph.
- The Fund Type table shows the current status of each of your funds ordered by most recently created fund. It has these sortable columns: fund type, allocations, paid, actual balance, approved, pending, and available balance.
- The Partner Table shows each of your partners in alphabetical order. It has these sortable columns: partner, fund type, allocations, paid, actual balance, approved, pending, and available balance. Select the arrow to expand the display to see more details.