
How to Add Partner Marketing Development Funds (MDF)


Marketing Development Funds (MDF) are sometimes granted to partners by suppliers to drive sales and develop new business. The partner might use the funds to pay for meals, entertainment, social outings, sports outings, team meetings, and conferences. These engagements allow partners to interact with their customers.

Suppliers manage MDF funds in the All Partner view for a single partner. You can add information for multiple partners on the Manage Partner Marketing Development Funds via .CSV file under Funding.

How to Add MDF Funds to a Single Partner Account

  1. From Partners > All Partners, click on the partner name to select the partner account.
  2. On the Funding Details line, select Add.
  3. Select a Fund Type from the drop down.
  4. Name Enter a descriptive name for the fund.
  5. Expiration Date: Select a date from the calendar for when the funds will expire.
  6. Allocated Balance: Enter a dollar amount for funds that are allocated to the partner.
  7. Pending Balance: The remaining dollar amount left to spend.
  8. Approved Balance: The approved amount of funds for a partner.
  9. Available Balance: For Campaign Marketplace, the approved amount minus the paid amount of funds a partner has access to.
  10. Select Apply to add the fund to the partner account.

How to Edit MDF Funds

  1. From Partners > All Partners, click on the partner name to select the partner account.
  2. On the Funding Details line, select Fund to edit.
  3. You can edit any of the fields except Fund Type
    1. Name: Enter a descriptive name for the fund.
    2. Expiration Date: Select a date from the calendar for when the funds will expire.
    3. Allocated Balance: Enter a dollar amount for funds that are allocated to the partner.
    4. Pending Balance: The dollar amount that the partner has requested but has not been approved.
    5. Approved Balance: The dollar amount that the partner has requested that has been approved.
    6. Available Balance: The remaining dollar amount available to the partner.
    7. Select Apply to add the fund to the partner account.
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