
About Lead Routing Rules


Lead routing rules create a workflow for what will happen with a lead as it progresses through the sales pipeline. When working with integrations you may choose to use lead routing rules. Here are some things to keep in mind when working with lead routing rules between Zift123, CRM, and PRM.

  • Zift123 routing rules follow a single path of steps where each rule narrows the set of possible partners for routing.
  • For routing rules to function properly, add a field to the lead record that correlates with a field in the CRM or PRM.
  • Examples of ways to route leads include by geography, partner tier, specialization, etc.
  • If a partner is configured on a PRM module, when the lead is not routed to any partners in routing rules, then the lead is assigned to the default partner. 
  • Here is the order ZiftMarcom uses for running the rules.
    • PRM lead routing rules run first.
    • Regular routing rules such as partner lead field match, lead field value, special case: lead rule but lead has no value for the field, and special case: rule eliminates all partners.
    • Round Robin and multiple partners.
  • Each rule can be required or optional. This determines how the platform handles a situation where there are no partner matches.
    • If the rule is required, the lead will be sent to ZiftMarcom for manual review. 
    • If the rule is optional, the lead will be skipped and the next rule in the sequence is evaluated.

As each lead is routed to Zift123, we keep a history of the path the lead takes from the supplier to the partner. This history will help you to identify why a lead was routed or if it was not routed what happened along the way.  

The lead routing details will help you to build strong routing rules and gain a clear understanding of your lead processes.

To view the lead routing details do the following: 

  1. From Leads > All Leads, select a lead.
  2. On the Lead Detail, you will see details from the Lead Routing Module for each process the lead encountered.

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