
About the Social Posts View


Social media provides you with the means to build, mix and promote business engagement, conversation, and supplier and partner-generated social content. Social content comes in many forms (audio, text, video, images, etc.). Suppliers create social content for partners that is co-branded with the partner’s social accounts and allows the partner to push social content to their connections and followers. This content is continuously updated by the supplier and pushed out to partners.

In this view you can complete the following tasks:

  1. Create New Social Posts
  2. Import Posts
  3. Edit or Delete Posts

The following can be found in this view.

  1. Search: Search for keywords in social posts.
  2. Filter: Filters use tags to narrow the focus to limited data. Options for filtering might include type, platform, topics, and campaign.
  3. Social Post Details:
    1. Icons: The icons indicate that the content is either syndicated or in the library. Syndicated content must be loaded with a scheduled date. A date is not required for Library posts.
    2. Post title: The title of the post.
    3. Scheduled date: The date the post is scheduled to appear on social media outlets. If never scheduled, it shows as a Library Post.
    4. Creation date: This line shows author, date, and time.
  4. Sort by: You will be able to sort the data by either scheduled date or create date.
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