
How to Edit or Delete Social Posts


Social media provides you with the means to build, mix and promote business engagement, conversation, and supplier and partner-generated social content. Social content comes in many forms (audio, text, video, images, etc.). Suppliers create social content for partners that is co-branded with the partner’s social accounts and allows the partner to push social content to their connections and followers. This content is continuously updated by the supplier and pushed out to partners.

Tips for when you create your posts:

  • We will limit your social posts for Twitter to 280 characters.
  • Images are considered in the Twitter character count of 280 characters. 
  • LinkedIn rejects social posts containing links that use any of the following characters: "{", "}", "|", "\", "^", "`".

After a post is created you can edit any of the content except the Post Type. If you do not want the post to run as the current Post Type, you can delete the post.

How to Edit a Social Post

Follow these steps to edit a social post:

  1. From Content > Social Posts, select the social post to edit by clicking on the name.
  2. Edit any of the following fields:
    1. Social platforms where the posts will be available.
    2. Post text/copy. You can use the drop down boxes pull in variables to be used as partner fields or targets.
      1. Partner Field Options: These custom fields vary and are determined by the supplier. Here are some examples: Industry Certifications, Partner Name, Partner Display Name, Partnership Level, Product Lines, Theater.
      2. Target Options: Website Plugins, Print Media, Library Content.
  3. Change the Image URL or upload an image from your files.
  4. Select to either use or not use a Social Form. You have the option to require a social form with each social post sent out from Zift123. This form requires anyone trying to engage with your social media posts to provide basic information about themselves. The social form can be personalized to meet brand standards.
  5. Change the topics where this social post should appear when partners are searching for content in Zift123.
  6. Change the campaigns where this social post should appear when partners are searching for content in Zift123.
  7. Select Save.
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