
How to Create a New Campaign


A campaign is a collection of marketing activities that include emails, email workflows, web plugins, print media, online ad campaigns, social media posts, or any combination of these. Creating campaigns allows the supplier to provide branded content to partners to increase engagement, improve open rates, and improve lead generation. By creating campaigns, you will be able to gather data in one place for all the marketing activity around a specific product or service that is offered.

Email is the most common marketing activity associated with our platform's campaign tool. ZiftMarcom templates are pre-built marketing activity templates that the supplier can use to create syndicated content for partners. These templates are designed with you so that you can reuse them for multiple campaigns to determine the level of co-branding your partners will have.

These instructions are for building a campaign without Assets or Personalization. See How to Create an Email Campaign for more on personalization.

How to Create a Campaign

  1. From Campaigns, select Create New Campaign.NewCampaign.gif
  2. Name: The Internal name of the campaign.
  3. Display Name: The name partners will see in Zift123. Name and Display Name can be the same.
  4. Description:  The Description should be a short summary of the purpose of the campaign and any top level information the partner would need to know to select it. This should be a strong sentence or two.The description will display on the list of campaigns when browsing campaigns in Zift123.
  5. Effective Date Begin: The date partners can activate the campaign in Zift123.
  6. Effective Date End: The date partners can no longer activate the campaign in Zift123.Check the box for Can Be Activated in Zift123 to allow this campaign to be activated by partners in Zift123. 
  7. Detailed Description: The Detailed Description should be full details of the campaign. This description might include sections such as target audience, product spotlight, special instructions, etc. Use this description to give your partners’ tips on how to make the most of the campaign. Use the WYSIWYG editor or select Source from the rich-text editor to edit the HTML source. 
  8. Tags: You can add tags to the campaign to enable partners to find it in Zift123. Tags are fields that are created during account set-up and allow you to further define your campaign. These pieces of metadata are customizable. You should work with your Zift Solutions representatives to define the fields that will work best for your company.
  9. Can be Activated in Zift123: This check box determines if the campaign is available in Zift123 for partners.
  10. Detailed Description: The Detailed Description can be as long as you like and should include a description of the purpose of the campaign, any recommendations regarding target audience, schedule cadence, or a list of the activities available in the campaign. A good detailed description can increase adoption of the campaign. Learn more about the Detailed Description.
  11. Partner Filters: Partner Filters are available only on campaigns. The default is for All Partners.  See How to Add Partner Filters to a Campaign.
  12. Activity Filter Rules: Filter the activities displayed within the campaign by the filters set on each activity. This allows you to filter campaigns by activity to partners while the supplier receives a report for all partner activity. 
  13. Thumbnail Image: A thumbnail image is required. The system will automatically create a thumbnail of the email, but not other activity types. You can upload an image one of your own. We suggest 100x110. The file can be no bigger than 10BM.
  14. Special Tags: We recommend adding tags at the activity level for better design.
  15. Campaign Assets: The Campaign Assets are the activities you have associated with this campaign. See How to Add Content to a Campaign.
  16. Social Posts: The Social Post list is a list of the social posts associated with this campaign. You can add a maximum of 20 posts. In the list, you can assign a wait time, change the posting order with the up and down arrows, or delete the post from the campaign. See How to Add Content to a Campaign.
  17. Publish the Campaign: Publish the campaign to make it available for partner use in Zift123.
  18. Test the campaign in Zift123. Always send yourself a TEST email to view the communication as the recipients.  Here are some tips for testing emails:
    1. Make sure to verify that your hyperlinks link to the content you desire.
    2. Test emails are not included in the count for email credits.
    3. When you TEST multiple times, you will see MERGED VERSION in the Subject Line.
    4. You can add a filter so that the campaign is available only in your test account. Once you are confident that the campaign is correct, change the filter to reflect the necessary partners or partner types for this campaign.
  19. Apply to save your changes.
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