
About the All Partner View


The All Partner view gives the supplier information about partner engagement. In the view, suppliers can filter data, gather data based on date, export data, and add an agency. Note that Add Agency is available if you are using our Campaign Marketplace feature.


Partners > All Partners, select a partner from the list.

In this view you can complete the following tasks:

  1. Export partner and user data to a CSV file. The file will be sent to the email addresses on file. The exported reports will contain additional data points such as Zift Partner ID, Status, Create Date, Expiration, Last Login, Total Logins, Auto Registration Rules, Default Lead Owners, Available Funds, Sales Reps Count, Users Count, SSO Company ID, Partner Source, Terms Accepted By, Terms Acceptance Date.2018-04-18_PartnerListExport.png
  2. Click on the partner name to see detailed information about the partner. In the detailed view, you can see funding details or add new/additional Marketing Development Funds (MDF) funds by clicking on the Add link, edit partner details, access the partner's Zift123 (permission required), and review specific partner reports. See How to Edit Partner Details.
  3. Add Agency if you are using the Campaign Marketplace feature. See How to Add an Agency.
  4. Use Advanced Filters to obtain lists of partners that meet specific criteria. Suppliers can filter in these ways:
    1. To see partner activity in Zift123.
    2. To see partner campaign activity in Zift123.
    3. To identify the Embedded Access Apps being used.
    4. To identify the CRM Integrations being used.
    5. To see which partners have or have not accepted the Terms and Conditions.

FYI: Data previously found in the Partner view for last login date, total logins, expiration date, and last renew date is located in either the Partners > All Partners > Export or the Analysis > Partner Adoption > Partner Status view.



The following can be found in this view.

  1. Search: Search for keywords in partner names.
  2. Filter: Filtering allows you to narrow the results to get a specific list of data for review or export. The options for filtering include type and status. You can toggle between having the different filters on or off by clicking each button.
    1. Type limits the display to either partners or agencies. Agency is visible only if you are using agencies. 
    2. Status is a reference to Zift subscriptions: Active, Inactive, and Test.
      • Active Zift subscriptions are currently in use by subscription holders for live deployments of provided content.
      • Inactive Zift subscriptions were once active but have since been deactivated. 
      • Test Zift subscriptions are issued for demo purposes only and are not to be used for true deployments. 
    3. Custom Partner Fields are unique to each partner. Examples are language, level, products, theater, certification, etc.
    4. Create date range: Enter a start and end date to gather data for ranges of time such as monthly, quarterly, and annually. 
  3. Advanced Filtering: Use Advanced Filters to obtain lists of partners that meet specific criteria. You can create and send To Partner Communications to these lists.
    1. Leave the Selected Partner (s) field blank to include all partners or select individual partners by typing in their names.
    2. Filters can be assigned with these statuses: Yes = In the filter, show me partners that have this, No = Show me partners that do not have this, Ignore = do not include this in the filtering.  
    3. Use Reset to clear the filter.


    4. Partner Activity
      1. Accessed Zift123 - The partner has accessed Zift123, either by direct login or via Single Sign On.
      2. Updated Profile - The partner has gone to Settings > Company Profile and saved the page.
      3. Has Activity - One or more activities in the partner account has generated statistics. 
      4. Has Activity in Analytics - The partner has an activation of the tracking panel.
      5. Has Any Activation - The partner has activated a marketing activity, but may or may not have generated results.
    5. Campaign Activity
      1. Activated Campaign - The partner has activated at least one campaign, but may or may not have generated results.
      2. Sent Email - The partner sent at least one email.
      3. Activated Web Plugin - The partner activated at least one web plugin.
      4. Activated Social Stream - The partner activated at least one social stream, but may or may not have posted against it.
      5. Activated Print Media - The partner activated at least one print media (co-branded collateral item), but may or may not have distributed or generated results.
    6. Embedded Access Apps
      1. HubSpot - The partner connected to HubSpot.
      2. Pardot - The partner connected to Pardot.
      3. HootSuite - The partner connected to HootSuite.
    7. CRM Integrations
      1. SalesForce - The partner connected to Salesforce.
      2. SugarCRM- The partner connected to SugarCRM.
      3. Sage CRM- The partner connected to Sage CRM.
      4. Zoho CRM- The partner connected to Zoho CRM.
      5. MS Dynamics- The partner connected to MS Dynamics.
      6. Saleslink - The partner connected to Saleslink.
      7. File Based - The partner has enabled the Nightly Lead Export Email in CRM Settings.
    8. Terms and Conditions
      1. Accepted - Did the partner accept the Terms and Conditions of Use?
  4. Column Sort: You can sort the column by clicking on the heading Agency, Status, and Create Date.
  5. Partner Details: Click on the Agency name to see agency details, associated partner details, and Zift123 users associated with the partner. You will be able to edit the partner details in the new window. 


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