The Purpose of this Report
This Report provides a summary of the usage and performance of all SMS marketing efforts.
Analysis>Marketing Effectiveness>SMS Message Summary
What Data is Being Reported
This report pulls information from the Partner dashboard, Zift123, and drills down, by Partner, on all SMS activities a partner uses, and the high-level stats associated with SMS activities.
Initial Report View and Editing Suggestions
- The default report shows a list of all SMS activities for all partners.
- Activities and results during past year
- All Partners
- All Campaigns
- Group-By selections ‒ None
- Where applicable, numeric totals are located at the bottom of the page. If grouped, numeric Group Totals are provided for each layer of the grouping configuration (e.g., totals for a Quarter, Region, Country, in addition to a total for the entire date range).
- You can group by location, timeframe, and more. Select Edit to customize the report to meet your needs.
- Any edits previously set within another report may carry over as the default into subsequent reports. Always check that the data you are viewing is in the date range/format you are expecting it to be in. You may need to click the Edit to view the report criteria details and make changes.
Moving left to right, the column data provides the following information.
- SMS Workflow: This column records the name of the workflow. All SMS message statistics will be grouped by workflow association.
- Partners: This column records the number of partners engaged in SMS marketing.
- # Sent: This column records the number of SMS sent.
- # Delivered: This column records the number of SMS messages delivered successfully.
- Sent Date: This column records the date the SMS message was sent. This date is used when grouping and filtering.
- SMS Clicks: This column records the number of partner-prospect/contact clicks on links in the SMS message.
- LP Views: This column records the number of landing page views as a result of a click on an SMS message.
- LP Clicks: This column records the number of landing page clicks as a result of a click on an SMS message.
- Submissions Counts: This column records the number of submitted prospect/contact information forms.
- New Leads: This column records the number of new leads resulting from responses to the SMS - it is their first interaction. Although your company's Lead-Score threshold may differ, the ZiftMarcom default is 15+ for a prospect/contact to be counted as a lead.
- Nurture Leads: This column records the number of leads that are not new but have not resulted in a sale of a product or service. Lead-score threshold scores are unique to each supplier and are defined by the System Administrator at the time of set up.
- Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
- Options: See How to Use Report Options.
- Export: The report can be exported as a CSV or XLS file. See How to Export Reports.