Create a regular to-partner communication cadence by building content-rich partner communications, including newsletters, announcements, and ad-hoc email blasts. ZiftMarcom supports HTML and text email templates, with advanced content editing and link tracking. Build your email target list with our powerful selection tool, preview, test and approve communications before scheduling them for distribution. ZiftMarcom automatically displays emails within Zift123 and monitors and reports on partner response, so that you know who is engaging with your program.
There are two types of communications you can send partners: email and Zift123 home page/Message Center messages.
- Email messages are sent to all active and test partner contacts. See About Partner View.
- Zift123 homepage messages are either viewable as a modal window when a partner logs into Zift123 or once dismissed, in the Zift123 Message Center. See How to Create Zift123/Message Center Communication to Partners.
Zift Solutions recommends using both methods when sharing information, but it is also acceptable to use one or the other. If you decide to use both methods of communication, you will need to create two separate communication instances, one for each type. Regardless of the method used, all content that is viewable by partners can be written and sent in-language.
Please note: If you make changes to your Partner settings, allow 24 hours for system processing for the changes to be reflected.
How to Create Partner Email Communication
- From Partners > select To Partner Communications.
- Select New Communication.
- Add a descriptive Name. This name is used internally only.
- Add an Email Subject line.
- Add a Communication Title. The Communication Title will be used as the email header.
- Add Communication Sub-title. The sub-title appears beneath the header in the colored bar of the template and is optional.
- Add From Address. The From Address is where any reply to the email will be sent. This provides suppliers with the flexibility to configure unique reply to addresses for each To Partner Communication email as needed.
- Select a communication Type, Email only.
- Select a Status. The status option descriptions are below:
- Not Published: Consider this the draft mode for your communication. Leave your communication in this status until you want to send the communication to partners.
- Published: Change the status to Published when you are ready to send the communication to partners.
- Completed: This status indicates the communication is complete.
- Archived: This status indicates the communication is no longer active.
- Effective Date Begin: Click on the calendar icon to select a date and time (using the slider bar) for when the communication is to be sent to partners. Alternatively, you can also select, Now, and the email will be sent once you select Published and Apply. Leaving the Effective Date blank will result in the communication being sent Now, but again, not until it is Published. Note: The schedule time defaults to the user's time zone. The time zones can be verified in the User Profile in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Effective Date End: No effective date end is needed for an email.
- Partner Filters: If the communication goes to all partners, no change is needed. Use Edit to segment who the communication should go to. Popular filters include region, language, and specific partners. You can also use the have/have not, not sent/activated X program to cross-promote available campaigns in ZiftMarcom. Note that the system will pull records only for the selected choice/s using an AND statement. Here is an example. If you choose Theater and Country, the system will pull records that have both Theater and Country. If you select data points within the two options (Theater and Country) the system considers it an Or statement and will pull data for all the situations that meet the data points.
- Communication Text: Add the text for your message using the editor or select Source to use HTML.
- View Statistics: Once the content is published, and sent, we will gather data for Sent, Opens, and Clicks on the email. View Statistics is only seen if the status is Completed and data is available. If no data was gathered, View Statistics does not appear. You can export the data results to a .CSV file that shows the email the communication was sent to, the email associated with the account, and the email associated with the clicks. The data also includes the date the activity occurred.
- Select Show Preview or Save Preview: Once all of your content is in, or at any time in the creation process, to preview the email, select Show Preview. It simply means that the preview is out of sync with any changes you made; you need to soft save it first. When in preview mode, Show Preview will read Edit Message. Select Edit Message to go back to the editable view.
- Test Email: Always send yourself a Test email to view the communication as your partners will see the communication. Note the following:
- Make sure to verify that your hyperlinks link to the content you desire.
- Test emails are not included in the count for email credits.
- When you TEST multiple times, you will see MERGED VERSION in the Subject Line.
- Select Apply. This saves the communication but does not publish the communication. You must change the status to Published, and the select Apply to actually send the communication to partners as you determined when scheduling.
- Delete: You can delete your communication at any time by selecting Delete.