Each of the standard reports generates a unique, pre-configured dataset in a table/datasheet format—with the exception of the Opportunity Overview, which charts pipeline activities and results. You can customize each report by setting time (from the beginning your ZiftMarcom history to date and at any interval), regions, single or selected groups of campaigns and partners and other parameters configured to your specific needs. Following is a table that names each report and describes its purpose and output when all filters are at their default settings.
- Overview - The Overview report is the report that automatically generates when you log into ZiftMarcom. This same report can be found under the Partner Adoption menu. The report is a summary representing presently subscribed and previously subscribed partners, their enrollment status, enrollment expiration date, last login, number of marketing activities and whether or not they remain active.
- My Reports - These are reports you have configured to your needs and saved. The reports will be divided into two categories; Scheduled and Saved. You can export the reports and/or schedule emails of the configured reports to be shared with colleagues.
- Partner Adoption
- Overview - A summary representing presently subscribed and previously subscribed partners, their enrollment status, enrollment expiration date, last login, number of marketing activities and whether or not they remain active.
- Global Stats - A summary of partner adoption and usage statistics.
- Partner Status - A summary of presently subscribed and previously subscribed partners, their enrollment status, enrollment expiration date, last login, number of marketing activities and whether or not they remain active.
- Zift123 Logins - A record of all specific user emails logging in to Zift123, the number of logins for each and the last recorded login of each.
- Library Download - A listing of library assets that include partner campaign resources, white papers, analyst reports, case studies and the number of downloads by partners, including date of last download and date the asset was created.
- Marketing Effectiveness
- General Report - An aggregate of all partners’ activities and results for each category of recorded channel activities and results.
- Partner Summary - An aggregate of all partners’ activities and results for each category of recorded channel activities and results.
- Campaign Summary - A by-campaign summary of all partners’ activities and results for each category of recorded channel-campaign activities and results.
- SMS Summary - A summary of SMS messages by workflow by partner being sent, and delivered. Each message has data for SMS clicks, LP views, LP clicks, submissions counts, new leads and nurture leads.
- Email Summary - An email-by-email (unique or campaign related) summary of unique sends, total sends receipts and various resulting recipient activities recorded by each email.
- Web Plugin Summary - A plugin-by-plugin summary of partner and prospect/contact activities and results relating to each web plugin.
- Ad Summary - A summary recording all partner and prospect/contact activities and results relating to each Ad Campaign placed through AdWords.
- Print Media Summary - A listing of all print media available to partners, their downloading and personalization of the print media, and the number of unique downloads for each print-media item.
- Custom Activity Summary - A summary of recording custom activities being used, by whom and how many leads have been generated.
- Search Terms - A listing of the search terms and linked content that have brought prospects/contacts to Zift123-created website plugins and landing pages.
- Social Summary - A listing of product/topic-centric social streams and a summary the number of partners configuring each stream into their social network presences plus the number of followers of all partners network presences. A listing of the search terms and linked content that have brought prospects/contacts to Zift123-created website plugins and landing pages.
- Social Posts - A performance summary of total partner posts available through each the social stream by date range.
- Tracking Summary - A summary of all partner-hosted web plugins, landing pages and microsites embedded on partner-hosted websites; clicking "Base urls" brings up a lightbox listing the Web addresses on which tracked website plugins reside.
- Company Summary - A listing of website plugin visits (both Zift hosted and syndicated-to-Partner) and Leads generated through Zift123 marketing activities.
- Visitor Summary - A list of visitors, companies or originating networks, the referring partner that drove the visitor to your corporate website, date last viewed and the number of total views.
- Leads and Pipeline
- Lead Summary - A by-partner summary of net-new, currently active, net-new-hot, and currently active hot leads.
- Tele-Qualification Event Summary
- Lead Distribution Summary - A summary of all leads distributed, with listing of Distribution Date, Acceptance Date, Average Decision Time, Acceptance or Rejection, if Pending, Marketing Touches, Passed to CRM, Sales Touches, and Sales Opportunities.
- Opportunity Overview - A graphic Report including an opportunity funnel and bar chart representing the estimated value opportunities as they exist at each stage within the opportunity pipeline.
- Opportunity Summary - A cumulative summary of partner opportunity data, by source, distributed lead, or custom within the selected date range. You can review the data at any time, depending on your preferences, but the recommended timeframe for review and trending is monthly.
- Opportunity Details - This report generates a summary by opportunities by partner and status. It answers the question, "What does my partner channel pipeline look like?"