Quarter-to-quarter comparisons are a standard business practice. ZiftMarcom allows you to analyze specific markets, partner segments and trends in whatever view is useful to you. This flexibility and real-time reporting facilitates setting goals and making plans to employ an expanding suite of channel marketing tools. Comparing same-quarter figures in ZiftMarcom is a one way to do this.
Let's say you want a year-to-year, quarter-to-quarter look at all partner channel activities and results by Region and Partner Type. You can easily configure these parameters by selecting any ZiftMarcom Report and editing the Date-Range and Group-By filters. Here's an example of 2013 third and fourth quarter results by Region and Partner Type.
Note: You can see that entering the beginning and ending dates of one quarter produces a dataset that reports two quarters' results.
And here's the previous year's matching data:
As noted, clicking on a Group-By page reveals the final grouping-layer details of a Report. In the case of a General Summary Report, the final Group-By selection is the final layer. The final layer is the report-focus in the Campaign Summary (below) or Web Plugin Summary.