Purpose of This Report
The purpose of this report is to provide you with a detailed look at the website plugins being used, by how many Partners, and the corresponding view/click stats associated with the activations, by a plugin, within the selected date range. You can review the data at any time.
Analysis > Marketing Effectiveness > Website Plugin Summary
What Data is Being Reported
The data is gathered from all of the website plugins your partners have activated across all of the options in Zift123, either as a stand-alone plugin, microsite, or landing page or a plugin that is part of a campaign. The report shows the specific plugins used and how the plugin performed across all partners.
Please note the specifics about how the data is reported:
- Stats will be recorded if a partner embeds on a Website and only views for internal testing purposes.
- The report includes stats on plugins whether or not that plugin is still installed on a web page. The stats continue to be valid even though the web plugin may have changed.
- The Date is the range of the stats you want to see, regardless of when the web plugin was first embedded. The default date is for 12 months. The report may have more meaning if you group by a partner. When grouped by a partner, you can see the stats for the selected date range and when it was first viewed on a partner by partner vs. plug-in basis. In the example below, you can see that the first plugin was installed Feb. 2014 but still gets views in 2016.
Initial Report View and Editing Suggestions
- The default report shows a list of all plugins and their corresponding measurable results within the selected date range.
- Select the column header to view the list sorted in ascending and descending order.
- Group the report by the partner to see individual partner performance or adoption data for the website plugins. Select Edit to select the different grouping options.
- Group by location, timeframe, or partner attributes to limit your analysis of a selected group of Partners, e.g. by Region, Partner Program Level, etc., you can select specific Partner criteria based on your custom partner attributes to only show that partner data. Up to three (3) “Group by:” options can be selected.
- Note, any edits previously set within another report may carry over as the default into subsequent reports. Always check that the data you are viewing is in the date range/format you are expecting it to be in. You may need to click the Edit Report button to view the report criteria details and make any necessary edits.
- First Viewed is when the plugin was first installed or viewed. First Viewed is more meaningful when looking at the current month and then considering when the plugin was first viewed. Additionally if your Group by Partner, you will see the stats for the selected date range and when it was first viewed a partner by partner vs. plug-in basis.
Moving left to right, the data in each column provides the following information.
- Website Plugin: This column records the names of the Website Plugins that are embedded on partners' websites or uploaded as a Zift-hosted microsite. Clicking a website plugin name brings up its detail page where you will find associated campaigns, effective dates, partner filters, publication status, description, review status, a preview of the website plugin, the location(s) of the website plugin, visits, durations of visits and more specific information about the website plugin. Note: Clicking Base URLs to the right of a listed website plugin brings up a list of every web page that contains or has ever contained the specified web plugin. If you embed a web plugin on a hidden page to test it and then re-embed the plugin on a public page, you will see URL listed twice. The original URL may be a dead link if you deleted your test page.
- Partners: This column records the number of partners who have personalized and embedded the plugin or uploaded a Zift-hosted microsite that has resulted in recorded events (views, clicks, submissions). Please remember, the embedded site may or may not be publicly available. It records statistics in either case.
- Activations: This column records the number of times all channel partners have personalized and embedded the plugin on their website or personalized a plugin that will be a Zift-hosted microsite. (A partner may activate a plugin more than once—for instance, creating different personalized website plugins in two languages or for two different locations.)
- First Viewed: This column records the earliest date on which the plugin was viewed by a visitor. If you edit the First Viewed Date and set it to the previous month, you only get stats for those plug-ins that were first viewed in that date range.
- Last Viewed: This column records the most recent date the plugin or microsite was viewed by a visitor.
- Views: This column records the total number of views of the plugin or microsite.
- View Rate: This column represents the number of views on a plugin as a percentage of all views on all plugins and microsites.
- Clicks: This column records the number of clicks on links appearing on an embedded plugin or uploaded microsite. These clicks are not unique: they "count" even if the same IP address clicks more than once on a link.
- Submissions: This column records the number of submitted prospect/contact information forms.
- New Leads: This column records the number of leads that have surpassed the lead score threshold as a result of the interaction (click, form submission, etc.) with the partner's web plugin. Although your company's lead score threshold may differ, the ZiftMarcom default is 15+ for a prospect/contact to be counted as a Lead.
- Nurture Leads: This column records the number of leads that have already surpassed the lead score threshold and is subsequently interacting with the partner's web plugin.
- Mobile Rate: This column records the percentage of all prospects/contacts that have viewed any plugin or Zift-hosted microsite on a mobile phone.
- Tablet Rate: This column records the percentage of all prospects/contacts that have viewed any plugin or Zift-hosted microsite on a tablet device.
- Other Rate: This column records the percentage of all prospects/contacts that have viewed any plugin or Zift-hosted microsite on a desktop or other (e.g. laptop) non-mobile or tablet device.
- Conversions: This column records clicks on links in website plugins that result in recipients clicking on the Call to Action (CTA) in an email, or responding by clicking links in website plugins. Ideally, items identified for conversion tracking are high value and signify a lead is hotter than a standard link. Conversions are intended to take the place of form submissions and give a comparable lead score value. No data will populate this column unless specifically configured by the Zift Solutions Services team.
- Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
- Options: See How to Use Report Options.
- Export: See How to Export Reports.