
Partner Summary

Purpose of This Report

The purpose of this report is to provide you with a high-level, cumulative set of data, recording the overall number of activities partners have participated in and the related statistics associated with those activities, by partner, within the selected date range. 


Analysis > Marketing Effectiveness > Partner Summary

What Data is Being Reported

The data is gathered from all of the campaigns your partners have utilized across all of the marketing they do in Zift123. The report only records those activities that have generated measurable results. When measurable results are not generated as is often the case with social media, the partner name will appear on the report with a value of 0 in the fields. Social activity is considered only when posts are sent.

The report shows the cumulative number of activities plus the cumulative statistics of those activities versus the specific campaigns used and how a specific campaign performed. To see the details of the specific campaigns used, you will need to go into the appropriate reports, e.g. Email Summary, Website Plug-in Summary, Social Summary, etc.

Initial Report View and Editing Suggestions

  • The default settings are as follows:
    • Activities and results during the past year
    • All partners
    • All campaigns
    • Partners - none
    • Distributors - none
  • Select the column header to view the list sorted in ascending and descending order.
  • Group the report by partner to see individual partner performance or adoption data. 
  • You may also group by location, timeframe, and more. Select Edit to select the different grouping options.
  • Note, any edits previously set within another report may carry over as the default into subsequent reports. Always check that the data you are viewing is in the date range/format you are expecting it to be in. You may need to click the Edit Report button to view the report criteria details and make any necessary edits.


Moving left to right, the data in each column and sub-column provides the following information.

  1. Partner: This column records an alphabetical list of your partners over the date range specified (default is one year) who have generated measurable data. This report does not include data for partners with web tracking in the total. Selecting a listed partner will bring up the Partner Details page. 
  2. Emails: These are emails your company has posted for syndication for partners to implement in Zift123. Partners can create their own Emails in Zift123 to suit their particular efforts and needs with-in the supplier branding limits.
    1. #: This column records the number of unique emails sent by a partner to a mailing list.
    2. List Size: This column records the number of prospects and contacts to whom all unique emails were sent by the partner.
    3. Email Opens: This column records the total of unique opens for all emails sent by a partner.
    4. Clicks: This column records the number of unique clicks on all links in all emails sent by all partner to all recipients.
  3. Website Plugins: These take the form of personalized syndicated content—which may or may not be correlated with an email or another type of marketing campaign content—embedded by a partner on its websites or on a Zift-hosted microsite.
    1. #: This column records the number of plugins deployed by a partner. A syndicated plugin is reported under the column only if it has recorded statistics. As with emails, partners can create their own website plugins in Zift123 to suit their particular efforts and needs while complying with supplier branding.
    2. Views: This column records the total number of views (sometimes called impressions) garnered by a partner’s active website plugins; these views are not unique, meaning that a single person or IP address viewing a website plugin is counted each time he/she/they view a website plugin.
    3. Clicks: This column records the total number of links clicked on a partner’s viewed website plugins; again, like views, clicks are not recorded as unique.
  4. Ads: These are ad campaign related Web advertisements placed contextually through Google AdWords and/or LinkedIn. The data generated from Zift123.
    1. #: This column records the number of Google AdWords campaign activations in Zift123 by each partner. The partner has accessed Zift123 and gone through the process of activating at least one ad and that the ad has recorded at least one click-through to an ad-linked landing page.
    2. Views: This column records the number of times a partner prospect/contact has viewed an ad and clicked through to ad-linked landing page.
    3. Clicks: This column records the number of times a partner prospect/contact has clicked through to an ad-linked landing page and clicked a link on the landing page and/or clicked to submit his/her information entered on a landing page form.
  5. Submissions: This category records a partner's receipts of prospect/contact information from the various types of syndicated and partner-created, information-gathering forms such as those residing on syndicated and partner-created website plugins, Zift-hosted microsites, and/or Ad-linked landing pages.
  6. Social: This category includes the social networks available to partners: LinkedIn, Facebook and/or Twitter.
    1. Posts: This column records the number posts partners have published from Zift123 to one or more of the partners’ social-network presences.
    2. Clicks: This column records the number of partner-prospect/contact clicks on links on one or more of a partner’s syndicated social posts.
  7. Print: This category includes the ZiftMarcom print-ready materials available to partners for personalization.
    1. #: This column records the number of documents each partner has activated through Zift123.
    2. DL: This column records the number of times a partner has downloaded an activated print content item.
  8. Library: These are non-personalizable content assets and implementation resources available to partners from your ZiftMarcom digital Library. These items include campaign resources, white papers, case studies, brochures, analyst reports and general Library Assets for use internally by partners to aid them in marketing your products and services.
    1. DL: This column records the number of times a partner has downloaded content from the library.
  9. Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
  10. Options: See How to Use Report Options.
  11. Export : See How to Export Reports.
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