Purpose of This Report
The purpose of this report is to provide you with a cumulative set of partner opportunity data, by source including Zift123 marketing lead, partner-generated lead, distributed lead, or an opportunity recorded in the partner's CRM that is not associated with a distributed lead or Zift123 marketing lead within the selected date range. You can review the data at any time, depending on your preferences, but the recommended timeframe for review and trending is monthly.
This report can answer the following questions:
- Which tactics have generated the most opportunity? Run the report grouped by source for the best results.
- What is my ROI?
- Which partners are the most effective at closing deals? Run the report grouped by partner and won/lost.
Analysis > Leads and Pipeline > Opportunity Summary
What Data is Being Reported
The data is gathered from all of the opportunity data entered and submitted by a partner from a contact or distributed lead record in Zift123. If the partner has connected their CRM and opted-in to share the details with the supplier, data will automatically be pulled from the partner’s CRM platform, updated in Zift123, and will display in ZiftMarcom reporting.
The report is a summary of the data during a defined time range. Every time an opportunity is updated, the system keeps track of the opportunity values across time. The summary report takes the best of the time range and displays it. So, at some point during the time range, the opportunities appeared as displayed in this report. You may see opportunities that have closed appear as open since it is a snapshot of the best data during the time frame defined.
Initial Report View and Editing Suggestions
The default report shows a high-level, individualized list of all opportunities, by source, and corresponding data as entered by the partner within the selected date range.
- Many users prefer to see the opportunity data cumulative by the partner or by source. To do this, select Edit Report and scroll down to “Group by:” and select Partner and/or Source, then Apply. Up to three (3) “Group by:” options can be selected.
- If you would like to specify a timeframe different than the default, you can edit the report date range.
- If you only want to see the analysis of a selected group of Partners, e.g. by Region, Partner Program Level, etc., you can select specific Partner criteria based on your custom partner attributes to only show that partner data. Or, you can “Group by:” timeframes or partner attribute to have all of the data display in your specified grouping. Again, up to three (3) “Group by:” options can be selected. Alternatively, you can always Export the report and manipulate the data in Excel.
- Note, any edits previously set within another report may carry over as the default into subsequent reports. Always check that the data you are viewing is in the date range/format you are expecting it to be in. You can use Edit to view the report criteria details and make any necessary edits.
Moving left to right, the data in each column provides the following information.
- Source: This column shows whether the lead that generated this opportunity came from a Distributed Lead, a lead created from a Zift Marketing activity, or from a lead the partner generated through other means
- Sales Pipeline: This column records the opportunity owner's estimate of the opportunity's dollar value - usually Close Percentage x Total Pipeline.
- Open: This column shows the number of opportunities in the Open status. It does not show dollar value and will always reflect the number “1” since each opportunity has its own line. Conversely, the number will be totaled if you do a Group by (e.g. Partner or Source), in which you can click on the arrow next to the grouping to expand and see the individual details.
- Won: This column shows the number of opportunities that have been Won. It does not show dollar value and will always reflect the number “1” since each opportunity has its own line. Conversely, the number will be totaled if you group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Lost: This column shows the number of opportunities that have been Lost. It does not show dollar value and will always reflect the number “1” since each opportunity has its own line. Conversely, the number will be totaled if you group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). Groupings can be expanded by clicking on the arrow next to the grouping. In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Total: This column shows the total number of opportunities that are Open, Won, or Lost. It does not show dollar value and will always reflect the number “1” since each opportunity has its own line. Conversely, the number will be totaled if you group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Open Value: This column shows the dollar value of the opportunity in the Open status. The number will be totaled if you group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Won Value: This column shows the dollar value of the opportunity in the Won status. The number will be totaled if group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Lost Value: This column shows the dollar value of the opportunity in the Lost status. The number will be totaled if you group the report(e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Total: This column shows the total dollar value of opportunities that are Open, Won, or Lost. The number will be totaled if you group the report (e.g. Partner or Source). In the expanded view, you will see individual details.
- Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
- Export: See How to Use Report Options.
- Options: See How to Export Reports.