
Email Summary

The Purpose of This Report

This report generates a cumulative set of data recording the use and results of emails by partners.


Analysis>Marketing Effectiveness>Email Summary

What Data is Being Reported

This report pulls information from the Partner dashboard, Zift123, and drills down, by Partner, on the actual emails the Partners have activated and sent, and the high-level stats associated with each send. This report includes data for emails in campaigns, workflows, and stand-alone emails. 

This report does not include emails that are sent to less than five recipients. The Zift platform assumes that less than 6 recipients indicate a test mailing.

Partners can add participants into workflows at any point, resulting in different send dates for participants. The report pulls in the most recent send date.

Initial View and Editing Suggestions

The following screenshot is an example of an Email Summary Report having all filters at default settings:

  • Activities and results during past year/12 months
  • Any/All Campaigns
  • Any/All Partners
  • Group-By selections ‒ None
  • Where applicable, numeric totals are located at the bottom of the page.
  • If grouped, numeric Group Totals are provided for each layer of the grouping configuration (e.g.., totals for a Quarter, Region, Country, in addition to totals for the entire date range):


Moving left to right, the data in each column provides the following information.

  1. Email: This column records the names of the emails developed for ZiftMarcom campaigns, *non-syndicated and other email marketing activities. Select a name to see the details of the email. Click the Back Arrow on your browser to return to the Email Summary. *Non-syndicated emails are those emails that use a Create Your Own (CYO) template or the Zift123 email builder to create and send the email. Syndicated emails are those emails that have been created in ZiftMarcom by your organization and published out to partners.
  2. # Partners: This column records the number of partners engaged in marketing by using the named email.
  3. # Mailings: This column records the number of times the named email was sent to one of a partner’s mailings lists. On other ZiftMarcom Reports, these mailings are called unique emails.
  4. Sent Date: This column records the most recent date that the named email was sent. Since emails are sent via a stand-alone email, campaign, or workflow, the result is that not all versions of the emails will have the same Send Date.
  5. Sent: This column records the number of email addresses that the named email was sent.
  6. List Size: This column records the number of emails sent without regard to deliverability. 
  7. Delivered: This is the number of sent emails that have been received by addresses— that is, the total sent minus the number of hard and soft bounces back into the system to the specified email.
  8. Email Opens: This column records the total number unique opens of all mailings of the listed email.
  9. Open Rate: This column records the percentage of received emails that all prospects/contacts opened.
  10. Unique Clicks: This column records the number of unique clicks on all links in all openings of a listed email. 
  11. CTR (Click-Through Rate): This column records unique clicks divided by the number of received emails multiplied by 100 (to express a percentage).
  12. CTOR (Click to Open Rate): This column records the number of unique clicks divided by the number of unique opens multiplied by 100 (to express a percentage).
  13. Bounce Rate: This column records the percentage of email hard and soft bounces for the total of emails sent. A bounce occurs when an email is not delivered to a recipient.
  14. Submissions: This column records the number of submissions of email-linked prospect/contact information forms on website plugins or Zift-hosted landing pages.
  15. LP Views: This column records the number of views on the landing pages linked to by the email (not unique).
  16. LP Clicks: This column records the number of clicks on links placed on one or more of the landing pages linked to by the email (not unique).
  17. New Leads: This column records the number of all partner prospects/contacts who have responded (e.g., opened the listed email, clicked through to website plugins or Zift-hosted microsites, submitted forms) to the listed email and recorded a Lead-Score of 15 or more. Note: Your company's threshold for qualifying a lead may differ.
  18. Nurture Leads: This column records the number of leads in a nurture campaign. The nurture campaign is a group of multi-touch emails to help the buyer through the buyer's journey. Prospects will receive further email marketing communications from the partner as they move through the various levels of the nurture campaign determined by the partner. 
  19. Conversions: This column records the clicks on links in emails that result in recipients going to any number of activities. These may be clicking on the Call to Action (CTA) in an email or responding by clicking links to tracking website plugins, submission forms, clicking links in other marketing content or otherwise showing that the recipient has converted to the next stage in the channel pipeline. No data will populate this column unless specifically configured by the Zift Solutions Services team.
  20. Edit Report: See How to Edit ZiftMarcom Reports.
  21. Options: See How to Use Report Options.
  22. Export the report for CSV or XLS format: See How to Export Reports.
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