As the lead is moved through each of these statuses, it will accumulate points based on interaction with the sales representative and marketing activities. Zift refers to the sum of the points as a lead score. The points indicate the level of interest a prospect has in the product or service being offered.
Scoring allows the supplier to configure the level of importance of different prospects. In most cases, distributed leads go into Zift123 with 50 points. Points are defined by the supplier during set-up into three categories. Here is a list of the default score threshold: minimum (15 points), hot (50 points), and very hot (120 points). Your threshold may have been set differently. It is important to note that a lead can accumulate points for multiple suppliers.
The lead score is a point value assigned to a contact when they interact with a single campaign. The higher the quantity and quality of activities or points, the more likely the lead is to be a well-qualified lead. Lead scores diminish over time.
Zift Lead Events and Default Scores
The points associated with activities can be customized by the supplier. This is a list of our default event scores.
- Email Open default = 3 points. An email open is a unique open of all the mailings associated with a listed email.
- Landing page viewing duration default = 5 points. The user leaves a landing page, marking the time or duration the user viewed the content on the page.
- Email Click/View default = 10 points. An email click or view is when a user clicks on a link in an email sent from Zift123.
- Landing Page View default = 10 points. A landing page view is when a user views a landing page but does not click any links.
- Landing Page Click Default = 15 points. A landing page click is when a recipient clicks on a link appearing on an embedded plugin or uploaded microsite. These clicks "count," even if the same IP address, and not unique clicks, clicks more than once on a link.
- Call to Action Conversion default = 50 points. This column records the clicks on the Call to Action (CTA) in an email or website plugins. Ideally, an item identified for conversion tracking is of high value and signifies a lead is hotter than a standard link. A conversion is intended to take the place of a form submission and gives a comparable lead score value.
- Distributed Lead default = 50 points. This column records the number of points when a lead is distributed from the supplier to a partner. The 50 point score is assigned to the lead when the lead is accepted by the partner.
- Form Submission default = 60 points. This is when someone has received an email, clicked the email, and completed the form associated with the email click. The form is typically for information gathering of a name, address, and email.
- PRM Email Sent default =1 point.
- PRM Email Open default = 3 points. An email open is a unique open of all the mailings associated with a PRM listed email.
- PRM Email Click default = 10 points. An email click is when a user clicks on a link in an email sent from the PRM.
- PRM Website View default = 10 points. A website click is when a PRM marketing recipient clicks on a link appearing on an embedded plugin or uploaded microsite.
- PRM Form Submission default = 60 points. This is when someone has received an email, clicked the email, and completed the form associated with the email. The forms are typically information gathering forms requesting name, address, and email.
- PRM Meeting default = 10 points
- PRM Number default = 10 points
- PRM Email default = 10 points. An email click or view is when a user clicks on a link in an email sent from the PRM.
- CRM Opportunity default = 60 points This is when a CRM opportunity event occurred in the partner CRM.
- PRM Lead Conversion default = 50 points. This is when a lead is distributed from the supplier PRM to a partner. The 50 point score is assigned to the lead when the lead is accepted by the partner.
- Telequalification default= 10 points. This occurs when tela qualification information comes back from an agency who has called out to a list of leads from Zift123.
Zift will pull the distributed lead updated information from the CRM/PRM on a nightly basis. The data pulled down varies based on the supplier configuration.
Partner View of Lead Scores
Partners will see both the lead score and campaign score which are associated with distributed leads.
- The lead score is a point value assigned to a contact when they interact with a single campaign. The higher the quantity and quality of activities or points, the more likely the lead is to be a well-qualified lead. Leads scores diminish over time.
- Campaign score is a lead score without consideration of age. Campaign scores do not diminish over time. This provides flexibility for the analyst to understand the highest point value given to a contact in a single campaign.
Suppliers can run the Lead reports in ZiftMarcom > Analysis > Leads and Pipeline.
- Lead Summary - reports on the number of leads generated using Zift123.
- Lead Distribution Summary - generates a list of distributed leads, their status, related marketing activity, and opportunity value of the lead.
- Opportunity Overview - a summary of opportunities by partner and status.
- Opportunity Details - a view of your sales pipeline.
- Opportunity Summary - provides you with a cumulative set of partner opportunity data, by source including Zift123 marketing lead, partner-generated lead, distributed lead, or an opportunity recorded in the partner's CRM that is not associated with a distributed lead or Zift123 marketing lead within the selected date range.
Lead Scores Degrade Over Time
Only events from the last 200 days are included. If a lead has no events in the last 200 days, the score will be 0.
The value of each event decreases by 10% every 30 days with the score being rounded off after each interval.
For example, a 50 point event is worth:
- 50 points at 0 - 29 days,
- 45 points at 30 - 59 days,
- 41 points at 60 - 89 days (subtracting 45 * 10% = 4.5 points; 45 - 4.5 = 40.5; 40.5 rounded is 41)
- 37 points at 90 - 119 days (subtracting 41 * 10% = 4.1 points; 41 - 4.1 = 36.9; 36.9 rounded is 37)
- 33 points at 120 - 149 days (subtracting 37 * 10% = 3.7 points; 37 - 3.7 = 33.3; 33.3 rounded is 33)
- 30 points at 150 - 179 days (subtracting 33 * 10% = 3.3 points; 33 - 3.3 = 29.7; 29.7 rounded is 30)
- 27 points at 180 - 199 days (subtracting 30 * 10% = 3 points; 30 - 3 = 27)
- 0 points at 200 days
A 10 point event is worth:
- 10 points at 0 - 29 days
- 9 points at 30 - 59 days
- 8 points at 60 - 89 days
- 7 points at 90 - 119 days
- 6 points at 120 - 159 days
- 5 points at 160 - 179 days
- 5 points at 180 - 199 days (subtracting 5 * 10% = 0.5 points; 5 - 0.5 = 4.5; 4.5 rounded is 5)
- 0 points at 200 days
A 3 point event is worth:
- 3 points at 0 - 29 days
- 3 points at 30 - 59 days (subtracting 3 * 10% = 0.3 points; 3 - 0.3 = 2.7; 2.7 rounded is 3)
- 3 points at 60 - 200 days (for the same reason)
- 0 points at 200 days
Marketing leads are unique in Zift based on the subscription, the email, and the campaign. When a lead is viewed from within the context of a campaign, the score displayed does not degrade. It is the sum total of all of the events for that lead in the campaign with no time-based degradation.