
How to Send a Lead to a PRM


Suppliers generate, nurture, and qualify leads through a host of marketing and sales tactics. The objective of Zift Solutions Lead Management is to automate the process of capturing leads from PRM and CRM and then distribute those leads to partner sales organizations.

When using PRM for lead integration, you can push lead information using Send to PRM. Using the PRM button has these benefits:

  • Quickly work with an individual lead to determine errors.
  • Determine if a particular error is permanent.
  • Confirm data is flowing.
  • The PRM easier to test.
  • Speeds the sending of a lead that you need immediately.

This feature is available for distributed active leads with Eloqua and Marketo. It is also available for Salesforce when Pull Leads for Distribution is enabled and registered leads when Push Leads is enabled.

How to Push Lead Data to PRM

  1. Navigate to Leads > All Leads, select a Lead.
  2. Select Send to PRM.
  3. Select the PRM module.2017-05-18_LeadDetails_SendPRM.png
  4. Lead successfully sent to PRM displays when the lead is sent. 
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